Why is it important to wear school uniform?
At Orara High School, we want the very best for our students and we firmly believe our students deserve the best. We believe that wearing the school uniform gives a sense of pride and belonging to our students who are part of something special and unique. We wish for our students to look, feel and be the very best they can be.
We understand that the initial outlay for school uniform can be costly. To help us achieve our goal of excellence we would like to extend to all our families support in acquiring the correct school uniform. We currently provide families with assistance in two ways: we have a clothing pool of pre-loved uniform items and we offer financial assistance for families to purchase the school uniform. We wish to see every child in full school uniform and so are very keen to assist families where possible. Please don’t hesitate to contact the school for an assistance form so that we can work together to support your child or children.
School shoes can be particularly expensive, but we have had issues this year with parents spending a lot of money on footwear which clearly does not take note of the above information. We would very much like to avoid this as it puts the school at odds with the student which is not what any of us would wish for and is a negative start to the term for all concerned. We are very happy to provide assistance in this area by helping parents/carers with the purchasing of the correct shoes.
The reason for expecting students to wear enclosed leather shoes is for safety. To meet departmental Work Health and Safety requirements students must wear enclosed leather shoes. Students participate in science experiments, handling chemicals and equipment that could potential injury their toes and feet if they were to be spilt or dropped. Students also participate in woodwork, metalwork and other practical activities involving equipment and materials that can be heavy and potentially dangerous if dropped. Black is a standard colour for leather shoes and presents as smart, neat and well-dressed.
We wish to encourage a neat, orderly and professional appearance for all members of our school. Jewellery that does not pose a potential safety risk is permitted. This is because these items may catch, or be caught, on other items and can be ripped from the ear lobe, causing significant damage. For example, hoop earrings or earrings that are long and swing can be dangerous and are not permitted; ear studs/rings and nose studs/rings are permitted; rings and bracelets that do not pose a potential safety risk are permitted. All jewellery brought into school is entirely at the student’s own risk. Students will be required to remove any jewellery that is considered unsafe. Make up is discouraged, however, we understand students want to look and feel their best. As such, make up that provides a natural look is permitted. Students will be required to remove any excessive make up. Long hair must be tied back for safety reasons in practical subjects.
We are very proud of students who aim high and participate in these events, and as such, we believe strongly that students should be allowed to proudly wear these items. For example, students who have purchased, or been presented with, representative jumpers or shirts, are permitted to wear these. It is expected, however, that students will be in full school uniform for formal events, such as presentation ceremonies or school photo day. All students should understand that staff have the right to ask students to remove any items of clothing that do not comply with the school uniform on these occasions.
In enforcing the school uniform code, we desire that parents/carers and students understand the reasons for having a school uniform. The information below outlines reasons for school uniform and worldwide research conducted into the benefits of having and enforcing a school uniform code:
School uniforms increase student safety
School uniforms keep students focused on their learning, not their clothes
School uniforms create a level playing field among students, reducing peer pressure
Wearing uniform enhances school pride, unity, and community spirit
School uniforms can improve attendance and behaviour
School uniforms make getting ready for school easier, which can improve punctuality
School uniforms can save parents money