Orara High School

Opportunity Innovation Success

Telephone02 6652 1077


Year 10


  • Year Advisor: Miss Emma Barnes & Ms Donna Gaston


1 July 2022

HSC 2023-24 subject selection

Year 10 will be making their subject choices for the HSC 2023-24 term 3. Please read the parent/carer information letter and the subject selection handbook for further details about this important process.

Please see below for a timeline of events.

Term 2, week 10 - 1 July

  • HSC 2023-24 subject selection handbook handed out to students and information sent to parents/carers

Term 3, week 2 - 26 July

  • HSC 2023-24 subject selection information evening for parents and students. 
  • Attendance is mandatory as students will receive their login and passcode for choosing their HSC subjects and will not be able to choose unless they receive this on the night (this event is directly after parent-teacher interviews).

Term 3, week 3 - 2 August

  • Students participate in taster lessons so they can gain an understanding of what the subject they are interested in choosing is like.

Term 3, week 3 - 5 August

  • Final date for students to make their subject choices.


Equipment and stationery list

Please download the equipment and stationery list so your child is prepared for all their subjects.