Orara High School

Opportunity Innovation Success

Telephone02 6652 1077


Orara Student Athlete Academy

What is OSAA?

The Orara Student Athlete Academy (OSAA) is a pilot program launched in 2024. Our mission is to create an environment that inspires student athletes to achieve success in sport and life. OSAA will strive to improve the physical ability and mental toughness of aspiring athletes, and build resilience and self determination. Along with this, students will be exposed to occupations and knowledge in the health and fitness field to assist with post-school opportunities. Being a part of the academy will enable a community of like minded individuals to come together and strive for high expectations, in not only the physical domain, but in effort, attitude and behaviour off the field.

As a part of OSAA, students have the opportunity to participate in the following: 

  • Specialised sporting Roll Call groups to promote cross-year relationships

  • Training times: Before school session, Wednesday sport session and two lunchtime gym or team training sessions per week

  • Breakfast after morning training 

  • Two intensive Testing/Training days per term 

  • Rewards at Orara Carnivals for participation in events, such as Academy tent seating, sports drinks, icy poles, stretching mats and foam rollers etc

  • Excursions to gyms, high performance centres, sporting events 

  • Presentations by health professionals, coaches and athletes

  • Completion of goal setting activities and check in with the supervising teacher once each semester

  • Fundraising efforts to reduce team fees and travel expenses. 

  • Parent/carer agreement of expectations

  • Support students' opportunity to engage with and/or spectate elite level athletes outside of school hours. For example Big Bash, NRL, Newcastle Jets games visiting Coffs or surrounding areas. 

  • Students explore careers through guest speakers, field trips and professional mentors.